Please fill out the follwing forms and turn them into the club staff. All parents must complete their CRC - Criminal Record Check - to ensure the safety of the club members.

Adventurer Club Membership Application.pdf

Adventurer Club Membership Application Form

Criminal Record Check Form

video:livestream:photo release form.pdf

Video/photography/livestream Release Form


Consent, Waiver and Indemnity (release) Form

Membership Requirements:

To become a member of the Adventurer Club, families with children in preschool through grade 4 are eligible to join. As part of the club, families will engage in various activities such as club meetings, field trips, community projects, camps, and fulfilling patch requirements. Both Adventurers and their parents/guardians will actively participate in these activities, fully embracing the Adventurer Club experience. Membership dues will be determined by the Adventurer Club Director and staff. Additionally, Adventurers are required to wear an Adventurer uniform during designated meetings and club-sponsored events, either in full dress or field uniform. It is expected that all Adventurers will adhere to the regulations of the club and follow instructions from the staff, while also embodying the values expressed in the Adventurer Pledge and Law.

Adventurer Responsibilities:

Adventurers are expected to be punctual and actively participate in club meetings, activities, and field trips. They should adhere to the principles outlined in the Adventurer Pledge and Law, while listening to and obeying their counselors and instructors. Completing the activities assigned by counselors and instructors is another important responsibility. Adventurers are also required to own and regularly wear a complete Adventurer uniform. Attending meetings and club-sponsored events in full uniform, as directed by the club director, is mandatory. Ultimately, Adventurers are encouraged to have fun, make friends, and acquire new knowledge and skills throughout their Adventurer Club journey.

Parents/Guardians Responsibilities:

Parents/Guardians play a vital role in supporting and encouraging their Adventurer by ensuring their attendance at club meetings, activities, and field trips. They are also expected to lead the warm-up session during club meetings, with each family taking the lead at least twice. Additionally, parents/guardians are encouraged to assist in teaching optional award classes. Collaboratively, suitable topics and materials for these classes will be identified. It is expected that each parent/guardian will contribute by helping to teach at least four optional award classes.