How it all began...
Attention, young adventurers! Prepare to embark on an extraordinary journey like no other with the Adventurer program. It was specially created to lend a helping hand to your awesome parents, who play a vital role as your primary teachers and guides in spreading the wonderful message of faith.
This incredible program is all about strengthening the bond between you and your parents, while boosting your growth in every aspect of life – spiritually, physically, mentally, and socially. By working together, the church, school, and your amazing parents can shape you into a confident and joyful individual.
Let's dive into the exciting history of Adventurers! Back in 1939, the General Conference endorsed the idea of Adventurer classes such as Busy Bee, Sun-beam, Builder, and Helping Hand. These classes were often part of spiritual activities and worship in Adventist Schools, where you could explore the Bible, learn about health, nature, and develop your awesome people skills.
Fast forward to 1972, when the Washington Conference launched a club called "Beavers," which laid the foundation for Adventurers, thanks to the visionary Carolee Riegel. The concept gained popularity, and by 1980, many conferences were hosting clubs for children like you, with various names such as "pre-Pathfinders," "Adventurers," or "Beavers."
In 1988, the North American Division Church Ministries Department invited conferences and child specialists to join forces and explore the Adventurer Club concept. An amazing committee was formed, consisting of passionate leaders, educators, coordinators, and experts dedicated to creating the best experience for you. They updated the curriculum, developed awesome Adventurer awards, and crafted guidelines for organizing Adventurer Clubs.
Under the leadership of the incredible Norman Middag, along with Debra Brill, Terry Dodge, Sarah Fanton, Merrill Fleming, Joyce Fortner, Donna Habenicht, Jasmine Hoyt, Noelene Johnsson, Kathie Klocko, Barbara Manspeaker, Kathy Martin, Dixie Plata, Julia Raglin, Toini Shobe-Harrison, Emily Tillman, Claude Thomas, Ruth Walker, Al Williamson, and Bob Wong, the Adventurer program soared to new heights!
Written by the talented Teresa Reeve, the Adventurer Club curriculum is your ticket to a world of discovery, sharing, and preparation for a meaningful life on Earth and in heaven. After its successful pilot phase in 1990, the program blossomed into a full-fledged adventure by 1992.
Today, Adventurer Club Ministry is booming in the North American Division, with countless churches wholeheartedly supporting this remarkable journey for families like yours. So gear up, young explorers, as you step into the awesome world of the Adventurer Club, created just for you – the future heroes of preK to grade 4! Get ready to ignite your spirits and set off on an unforgettable quest!
Parents and guardians of children from Pre-K to grade 4! We extend a warm invitation to you and your little ones to become members of the Kelowna Adventurer Club. Our club offers a nurturing environment where young families can unite, introducing their children to the love of God through engaging Bible lessons, creative crafts, immersive nature experiences, outdoor adventures, and enjoyable social activities. To discover the dates for our club meetings and classes, please refer to our our calendar.
We wholeheartedly encourage you to be a part of this inclusive and family-oriented ministry. Don't miss out on the chance to register your children, aged Pre-K to 4th Grade, for Adventurers this year! It promises to be an extraordinary experience. If you reside in the vicinity, consider this a personal invitation for your kids to join us. Our dynamic team of enthusiastic teachers has meticulously planned a delightful array of activities to captivate the children's hearts and help them deepen their understanding of God's love for them.